by Dennis Beaver | dui - drunk driving
September 18, 2010 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Part 2 Last week we told you about a fraternity at the University of Wisconsin at Madison that wanted to be sure anyone who planned to drive home after a party was below the legal limit for a DUI arrest, so... by Dennis Beaver | dui - drunk driving
September 10, 2010 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Part 1 It is back to college for students all across America. For many, this means party time which usually includes drinking – and we’re not talking Welch’s grape juice. It also means... by Dennis Beaver | dui - drunk driving
January 31, 2010 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Last week we began our look at personal breathalyzers, consumer versions of what law enforcement uses to measures a suspected drunk driver’s Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) This time, here are some... by Dennis Beaver | dui - drunk driving
January 22, 2010 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Today’s story will be of special interest to anyone whose life is in some way connected to alcohol. Invite friends over for a nice dinner with an excellent California wine or to watch a game, chips and... by Dennis Beaver | dui - drunk driving
November 25, 2006 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Recently I was at a fraternity party, where before anyone was allowed to drive home, they had to blow into a small breathalyzer. Those who registered over a certain limit were told to hand their car...