Jump to 1, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
- A beef with Black Angus Restaurants Ads – Part 2
- A clean credit report can still mean you’re in for a nasty surprise
- A closer look at the perils of shopping on the boob tube
- A cookbook for new sales executives
- A dose of rotten legal advice revealed in secret recording
- A father’s thanks to the California Highway Patrol
- A further look at impact statements – Part 2
- A Highway Patrol officer tells how to avoid speeding tickets
- A lawsuit filed without legal basis damages
- A lawyer’s reputation begins in law shcool
- A lawyer’s reputation begins in law school
- A LAX hotel airport parking nightmare
- A look at the Kirby Vacuum Cleaner warranties
- A lot of money in your account? You are a target
- A refund of attorney fees
- A risk to free speech
- A tenant’s advice on how to be a better landlord
- A word of caution before you cash out your IRA and put it into an annuity
- Abandoned by their lawyer
- Accountability is a powerful predictor of substance abuse recovery
- Accused of plagiarism and threatened with expulsion
- Acting entitled on the job is a ticket to nowhere
- Active noise-cancelling headphones confusion
- ADA nightmare for commercial property owners
- Adult son needs mommy
- Advice for dealing with claims adjusters
- After a fire loss – dealing with your insurance company
- Aging parents? Documents you must have
- Air Resources Board puts California drivers at risk
- Airport parking: Why cheap can = aggravation
- Alert – For All owners of Personal Breathalyzers
- An invitation to being falsely accused of child molestation
- Annuities — not as safe as you think
- Answers to worksplace questions
- Appearance matters in hiring process
- Are cooking shows legally responsible for the obesity epidemic?
- Are unethical claims adjusters born that way or made?
- Are warning labels needed for houses of worship?
- Are we being taken to the cleaners by our lawyers?
- Are you able to do your own divorce?
- Are you an emotional miser with your employees?
- Are you being overcharged by your lawyer – Part 2
- Are you dating a crazy?
- Are you headed to law school?
- Are you paying your employees correctly?
- Are you represented by an addicted lawyer?
- Are You Thinking of Law School?
- Are your dogs barking?
- Are your kids using drugs? Part 1
- Are your kids using drugs? Part 2
- Are your parents about to sign a contract?
- As a tenant, know your rights
- Attending law school can be hazardous to your marriage
- Attorneys earn their low esteem all by themselves
- Auto dealer failed to provide registration
- Auto insurance companies expect you to be a mind reader
- Auto insurance companies just love these lawyers (and that should scare their clients)
- Auto insurance company badly dropped the ball
- Avenal State Prison earned two black eyes
- Bad wine? Refund or replace
- Bamboo bathroom tissue earns a bum rap
- Bank needs to man up
- Bank of America has a heart
- Be a jerk at divorce meet and confer and you’ll pay
- Be careful of annuities
- Be on top of insurance and annuities
- Be prepared for your first attorney consultation
- Be thankful for competent employees
- Be wary of robots in your legal future
- Before buying a camera online, read this story
- Before buying travel insurance, read the exclusions
- Before locking him in the basement — protecting Dad from himself and others
- Before taking your cell and smartphone abroad
- Before thinking badly of your laywer
- Before you bail someone out of jail
- Before you buy a new air conditioner…
- Before you buy an Internet radio
- Before you change jobs
- Before you consider breast implants
- Before you go shopping for that new car
- Before you hire a contractor for a major job
- Before you sign a contract for television advertising
- Before you spend too much on a bottle of wine
- Behavior matters when pulled over by CHP
- Better Business Bureau does it again
- Beware fake Omaha Steaks being sold door to door
- Beware of gift card scams
- Beware of snitch tickets
- Beware of tax resolution scams
- Beware of the mexican timeshare resale scam
- Beware of the new life insurance scam
- Bias – a ticking time bomb in your organization
- Big Brother wants to control your thermostat
- Big changes coming in 2023 for business and homeowners insurance
- BizCounsel Promises Affordable Access to Legal Services for Business
- Black Angus restaurants have advertising problem
- Bland Thailand food tour leaves bad taste
- Both landlords and tenants gain from new laws
- Brotherly love
- Burning out burnout at your company
- Burnout in the COVID-19 era
- Business Closures, Insurance Claims and the Coronavirus
- Business two-way radio owners target of scam
- But the phone book ad said, ‘No recovery fee’!
- Buying a horse? Don’t saddle yourself with these headaches
- Buying a smart TV to use Skype?
- ‘Criminal record? Don’t apply for this job’
- Cal State University Channel Islands dorms now are safe
- California lawyers target of internet scam
- Call It Legal Extortion – Part 1
- Can a business ban you from entering their premises?
- Can a Judge Tell a Father to Avoid Risky Triathlons for His Sons?
- Can a landlord be civilly liable for a tenant’s murder?
- Can employees be forced to get a COVID-19 vaccine by their employer?
- Can employers trust what employment agencies say?
- Can I disqualify a judge from hearing my case?
- Can I hire a lawyer to handle just part of my case?
- Can language apps teach you to speak a foreign language?
- Can they kick you out of an AYCE restaurant for eating too much?
- Can they refuse me a job because of how I sound?
- Can we fire our minister
- Can we grow our creativity?
- Can you fire an employee because of poor language skills?
- Can you learn to speak a new language in 10 days? Sure, when pigs fly.
- Can you legally get out of a long monitoring contract, Part 2
- Can you trust the Better Business Bureau
- Car dealer blames customer for test drive catastrophic engine failure
- Care about your family? You need these documents
- Care for Your Trees or Else!
- Careful how you demand justice for inappropriate behavior
- Case becomes a comedy routine
- Cell phone companies rip off overseas callers
- Cellphone apps almost cost Sergio $25,000
- Charging for a missed appointment
- Cheapskate business owners send a message to customers
- Chiropractor trying to get business the wrong way
- Christmas vacation surprise
- Cigarettes for sale, cheap
- City of Good Neighbors attorney caught trying to rip off doctor
- Client’s rights when lawyer has a conflict of interest
- Clients who become victims
- Compassion – the key to employee retention
- Complaints that get results/replies that win you customers
- Confession of an attorney who took really early retirement
- Confessions of a former timeshare sales manager
- Confessions of a solar salesman
- Consider having a lawyer on retainer
- Considering a Timeshare? Don’t You Ever!!
- Consumer fraud caught as it happened
- Contractual clauses you may want to avoid
- Conversation with a con artist
- Coronavirus and college tuition
- Coronavirus and timeshares
- Coronavirus has a silver lining for families
- Couple ripped off by food trailer con
- Cover your tattoos, remove piercing or find another job
- COVID-19 – better than a divorce?
- Credit-card swiping scam
- Cure for the Great Resignation – hire older workers
- Custody is never permanent
- Customer has problems with auto repair shop
- Dangers in signing a power of attorney
- Deadly sin gets you fired
- Dealing with competitors’ false statements about your business
- Dealing with neighbors from hell
- Dealing With People Who Say Yes but Mean No
- Dealing with storm damage insurance claims
- Dealing with the fraud division of your bank
- Deceptive walkie-talkie range claims ripping off buyers
- Dedicated drunk drivers will just love this law
- Defrauding an innkeeper and fraud
- Dennis Beaver Video
- Did ‘It Can’t Happen Here’ almost occur?
- Did you read the contract?
- Disability insurance companies avoiding payments owed
- Do college students have too much privacy?
- Do gift certificates expire?
- Do I have to snitch on my kids?
- Do law schools care about right and wrong?
- Do not pass ‘Go’, do not collect $200
- Do school bus drivers have a duty to protect students?
- Do we have an animal hoarder next door?
- Do you have a claim against your financial adviser
- Do you have a legal claim against your stockbroker?
- Do you have a structured settlement with Pacific Life?
- Do you have what it takes to be whistle blower?
- Do you have what it takes to become a lawyer?
- Do you know what’s in your gasoline?
- Do you own a personal breathalyzer? Important information
- Do you really need that policy of travel insurance?
- Do You Think You Have a Great Wrongful Termination Lawsuit?
- Doctor, don’t buy this medical practice
- Doctor, if accused of medical malpractice, here is what not to do
- Doctor, the California State Bar is not your friend
- Doctor, there are limits to trust
- Doctor’s wife may have put his patients at risk
- Does Jenny need a will?
- Does Nationwide Insurance discriminate against the overweight?
- Doing your own divorce isn’t advisable
- Don’t become the victim of a crooked landlord
- Don’t blame the boss for you ignoring all the red flags
- Don’t cry wolf after minor auto accident
- Don’t do this if an employee or loved one is kidnapped
- Don’t Feed the Kitties
- Don’t get burned by solar
- Don’t let the bedbugs bite
- Don’t marry this guy
- Don’t run up needless medical, therapy bills
- Don’t rush to settle insurance claims
- Don’t be in a hurry to replace your home air conditioner
- Don’t become a victim of an insurance scam
- Don’t blame your employees for jumping ship
- Don’t fall for these scams
- Don’t forget your flashlight for this restaurant
- Don’t ignore the fastest growing market in the world
- Don’t let bank accounts become dormant
- Don’t overspend on noise cancellation headphones
- Driver alert – do not ignore red-light camera tickets
- Driving and cell phones — what you need to know
- Drug abuse a gift to life insurance companies
- Eight Don’ts to Keep in Mind as You and Your Loved Ones Age
- Employers can avoid age discrimination suits
- Employers can change job duties
- Entering the dark world of internet scams
- Escape from the planet of the lawyers
- Ever hear of a drive-by lawsuit?
- Examination of lawyers’ billing practices can be a fright
- Examination of lawyers’ billing practices can be a fright – Part 2
- Exceptional customer service starts at the top
- ‘Free trial’ Keto scam almost ripped off small business owner
- Facing foreclosure? Who you speak with is critical
- Failing to treat women equally hurts business: What you can do to fix it
- False alarms can be scarier than you think
- Families, Business and the Coronavirus- If the Unimaginable Happens
- Fancy Attending a home flipping seminar?
- Farmers Insurance – the company that gets you sued
- Father bugged by school’s handling of son’s bed bug issue
- Feel Free to Disagree, But Here’s How to Bridge Differences
- Fight on a school bus: What drivers must do
- Fighting traffic tickets
- Financially handcuffing your children
- Finders keepers?
- Finding a safe place for mom and dad
- Finding your own field of dreams
- Fire sale of a medical practice
- First name basis can make everything better
- Five Things to Notice in Your Lawyer’s Bill
- Flawed Mental Accounting Leads to Problems with Neighbors
- For home fire safety, remember the PASS word
- For victims and potential victims of California’s wildfires
- Formula for success in business: Grit and stay with what you know
- Four Big Mistakes to Avoid if You’re Buying a Business
- Four Easy Ways to Get Yourself Fired
- From parking cars to becoming general manager of Vancouver’s Sutton Place Hotel
- FTC finally does something about fake reviews
- Get me out of jail! – Part 2
- Get out of my restaurant get out now! – Part 2
- Get Ready To Be Sued? – Part 2
- Get taken to the cleaners by your customers
- Gift or contract?
- Give me back my gold and silver!
- Go back to Costco – look at the Motorola walkie-talkies
- Going into a Mediation? Here’s what you need to know
- Going to court? What do you know about your judge?
- Golden rules for a law enforcement marriage
- Golden rules for going into business in 2019
- Got a red-light camera ticket, but weren’t driving?
- Got light?
- Got stage fright? Here’s how to overcome it
- Got trees? Factor in costs
- GPS tracking and the eternal triangle
- Grandma Susie and the bill collector
- Guilt propaganda pressures elderly to invest
- Hats off to the FDIC! They’re from the government and here to help
- Have a great idea? Beware of invention promotion firms
- Have a rainy day fund for your business
- Have a structured settlement, but need cash now?
- Have you been duped?
- Have you been told to sign an apartment lease of a friend or parent?
- Having a lawyer on a monthly retainer
- Having a lawyer on a monthly retainer – Part 3
- He wants you to lie? Don’t pay the lawyer’s bill
- Hearing damage doesn’t always come from industrial work
- Help For Struggling Lawyers (When Cinderella Wasn’t Invited to the Ball)
- Help for victims of dishonest lawyers
- Helping to make business’ a little more honest–The BBB
- Here’s what you don’t know about your retirement account and life insurance
- Hidden danger in relying on advice columns
- High school teacher accused of racism and pro-police propaganda
- Hiring a contractor or a nightmare?
- Hiring a PR firm? Don’t make these mistakes
- Hiring mistakes prove costly to dentists
- Home-flipping seminar scams are back
- Home, home on the range
- Honey, I shrunk the menu!
- How a company won its small claims court case which should have been lost
- How a watermelon and patience, changed my life
- How about some free money?
- How AI will impact the legal profession and benefit clients?
- How an auto insurance company should not act
- How are you being billed?
- How can I find out who I’m dating?
- How can we help our orphaned elders?
- How covering for a boss can land you in jail
- How do adjusters evaluate auto accident claims?
- How Do Non-Compete Clauses Work? Are They on the Way Out?
- How family and friends can protect the TBI victims
- How important is your appearance in court? Part 1
- How landlords violate fair housing laws
- How long is a ‘lifetime warranty?’
- How long should a lawyer keep a clients file?
- How Much Fun Is Too Much Fun When You’re in the Office?
- How much privacy should college students have?
- How not to conduct a job interview
- How not to deal with difficult people
- How not to financially paralyze your children
- How not to sell your business idea in-house
- How NOT to treat the victim of an automobile accident
- How safe is your office retirement money?
- How safe is your safe deposit box? Answer these questions
- How storytelling helps lawyers win their cases
- How Swede it is
- How technology can prove that mom is sober
- How the pet groomer almost killed Sylvia’s dog
- How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off by an Alarm Company
- How to be a smart client
- How to be a workplace WIMP
- How to deal with noisy or aggressive dogs
- How to deal with property insurance claims after wildfires
- How to fail as a parent
- How to fail in business
- How to fail in business – the curse of success
- How to fail in your own business
- How to fail miserably on the job
- How to fail Office Politics 101
- How to flunk out of law school
- How to get arrested
- How to Get Employees to Tell You Like It Is
- How to get hacked and become an identity theft victim
- How to get into trouble with the IRS
- How to get rid of junk the tenant left behind
- How to handle a homeowners insurance claim
- How to keep ‘friends’ away from settlement money
- How to leave your employer, go out on your own and get sued!
- How to legally compete with your former employer
- How To Level the Playing Field When Shopping for a New Car
- How to lose custody of your kids and get arrested in the process
- How to lose your best friend — become roommates
- How to lose your shirt investing in a restaurant
- How to manage sarcastic people on the job or at home
- How to not become a victim of the lonely hearts club
- How To Not Get Hired
- How to outsmart a crooked landlord
- How to protect yourself when you caused the accident
- How to raise a future gang member
- How to recognize Social Security, IRS and other scams
- How to represent yourself in traffic court and win
- How to save on auto insurance after a DUI
- How to spot a drama addict at work
- How to succeed in hospitality
- How to view employee embezzlement
- How to write a complaint letter
- How Two Rattlesnake Bites and Scholarships Led This Doctor to His Calling
- How working parents fail at home, on the job
- Huge risks to mom and pop landlord in California
- Husband stealing cash from employer. What should be done?
- ‘I am not that blond waitress!!’ – Part 1
- ‘I don’t have to show you any stinking badge’
- ‘I have good intuition and don’t need background checks’
- ‘I asked for an update on my case and got a $150 bill!’
- ‘I’m afraid of my wife’s business idea!’
- ‘I’m your father, not your friend’
- “I came to you looking for a defense for my 3rd DUI, but you had no mercy!”
- I just got a barking dog citation, but it’s not my dog!
- I know the world is flat – my client told me so
- I think my lawyer has a substance abuse problem
- I want my contribution back!
- I want to buy your house!
- If and when you hire the wrong law firm …
- If Cars With Touchscreens Are Unsafe at Any Speed, Why Do We Have Them?
- If I want a normal family life, should I marry a lawyer?
- If It Looks Like Elder Financial Abuse, It May Be Just That
- If you pick the wrong tax preparer
- If you still want to buy a timeshare … do’s and dont’s
- If you’ve hired a contractor, your job has just begun
- Ignoring Your Company’s Dress Code Can Get You Fired
- In a divorce, who gets Fido?
- In an overpayment scam, your bank could be a thief’s best friend
- Insecurities, secrets and lost opportunities
- Insurance agent caught exaggerating annuity safety
- Insurance Bad Faith After Natural Disasters: What to Know
- Internet service providers short-changing customers with poor WiFi
- Investigators with a hidden agenda
- Invitation to burglary
- Is a time-share in your best interest?
- Is America on the decline?
- Is DEI still relevant?
- Is it wise to ignore a red light camera ticket?
- Is law school still the easy road to financial success?
- Is Money Messing Up Your Family’s Life?
- Is Someone Sabotaging Your Company? Is It You?
- Is the California State Bar helping lawyers rip off doctors?
- Is there a breathalyzer in your future?
- Is there a cellular duopoly in our future?
- Is there such a thing as a Windproof umbrella?
- Is there such a thing as credit card relief?
- Is this a ponzi-bitcoin mining scam?
- Is this place right for mom and dad?
- Is your cell phone bill going up?
- Is your home adequately insured by the right company?
- Is your lawyer overcharging you?
- Is your lawyer overcharging? — Part I
- Is your neighbor’s security camera pointed at your window?
- Is your tax preparer legal, and does it matter?
- It may be unfair but still not wrongful termination
- It’s your day in court – Part 2
- It’s 10 p.m. Where is your pension?
- It’s 2 a.m. — Where are your smoke alarms?
- It’s dangerous to trust an online background search
- It’s summer — where has your wine been?
- Keep fingers crossed when your kid says ‘I want to be an influencer’
- Keep these guidelines in mind when hiring an attorney
- Keep your sanity over property damage claims
- Keeping Patients Waiting Hours Is Unacceptable, Fight Back
- Kings County Superior Court has a problem
- Know this about an ‘examination under oath’ when making an insurance claim
- Know this before signing a ‘letter of intent’
- Knowing the weather inside the children’s home
- ‘Love at first sight’ becomes a nightmare for unlucky Eurekan
- L.A. college attacks free speech
- Law enforcement’s prescription for peace — at home
- Law Firm Rips Off Patent Illustrator
- Law school — a road to debt and maybe a job
- Law school not the road to riches it once was
- Law students, lawyers and depression
- Laws involving drones
- Lawyers lose millions in fake cashier’s check scams
- Lawyers need to eat too
- Lawyers who lie do not end well
- Learn a Language in Three Weeks? Really?
- Learn a new language, play guitar in 10 days (and other fairy tales)
- Leases of vacant land for solar farms pose great risks to owners
- Lend to friends and risk getting sued
- Living on a cruise ship in retirement
- Lonely? Looking for love online? Here’s what it cost Ted
- Long range ultra-sonic bark and pest control devices work
- Looking for a Job? Here’s How Not to Get Hired
- Looking for a Job? What They Didn’t Tell you in College
- Looking for a lawyer is like buying a used car
- Looking for an internet radio? Don’t get ripped off
- Looking for shutters or window coverings?
- Looking for winter windshield washer fluid? Good luck!
- Looking into Leasing Solar Panels? Think Twice
- Loud noise is dangerous for employees
- Luck of the enabled
- ‘My kid just can’t be involved with a gang — I would know, right?’
- ‘My treadmill fell apart’
- Major auto makers planning to rip off customers
- Making fraudulent insurance claims can land you in jail
- Making them keep their word
- Manners or a lawsuit?
- Marijuana – fragrant perfume or diapers?
- Minors and tattoos
- Miserly neighbors, dangerous tree
- Misleading restaurant menu descriptions
- Mom overfeeds child and could lose custody
- Moving? Don’t Get Ripped Off by Crooked Movers
- Mukbang videos shown to 4th graders
- Mutiny at the seafood restaurant
- My brother’s keeper
- My employee refuses to see an eye doctor
- My employees are eating themselves to death
- My husband is a wimp
- My husband wants to become CEO but is blind to his shortcomings
- My lawyer isn’t supportive of me
- My stuff is worth what?!!!
- Myths about escaping debt, taxes
- Need a good laugh? Spend time on the Better Business website
- Need to hire a lawyer? Local is best.
- Needing to hire? Think wrinkles
- Negotiating criticism during the job interview
- Neighbor worries about damage from tree
- New breathalyzer technology keeps you out of jail
- Newly-minted lawyers can be a risk to their clients
- No better Christmas possible — the gift of a personal breathalyzer
- No carbon monoxide alarm? Maybe no insurance, either
- No football for our son!
- No ice cream for his daughter
- Noisy restaurants – Part 1
- Noisy restaurants – Part 2
- Not all attorney consultations are free
- Not all injury claims require hiring a lawyer
- Not changing your A/C filter may be costly
- Not every auto accident case requires a lawyer
- Not everyone is cut out to be a landlord
- Not just hair stylists at risk for hearing loss
- Not vaccinated? Hospitals may turn you away
- Nothing is for free, even disability
- ‘Our son was arrested for DUI’
- Obese COVID patients and their angry doctor
- Obey this California law and save your life
- Observations on traffic court
- On the hook without a contract
- One Cure for Legal Headaches: The Advice of Outside Counsel
- One doctor’s questionable business practices
- One doctor’s questionable business practices – Part 2
- One for the road = murder
- One good reason to get married
- Online background checks can be a dangerous rip-off
- Online dating and background checks
- Only pay for what you need
- Our supervisor thinks he’s a comedian
- Outdoor heater manufacture feels the heat
- Overbilled by your lawyer? You are not alone
- Own a Business? Beware of False Friends
- Owner of junkyard dogs discovers meaning of mitigation of damages
- Pardon me, while I bring my own food to your restaurant
- Parents equally good at causing children real pain in divorce
- Passion for weather led to business success
- Paying decedent’s bills
- Personal Breathalyzer: Down in price, way up in accuracy
- Petty concerns create a neighbor from hell
- Pitfalls to avoid when financing your business
- Planning for the expected unexpected
- Poor Customer Service Has a High Cost for Business
- Poor job interviews hurt both employers and job seekers
- Practical training before putting on your landlord/tenant case in court
- Prescription for doctors offered a written employment contract
- Problem in our neighborhoods, foreclosures
- Properly written, complaint letters are good for business
- Property insurance coverage you think you have but don’t
- Protect yourself against unreasonable fees
- Protecting ourselves from ourselves
- Protecting your great idea
- Protecting your loved ones after your death
- Prudential life insurance finally does right thing
- Pulled over for speeding? Be nice — it can’t hurt
- Question is, who actually owned the house that Fred bought?
- Questions business owners must ask their insurance brokers
- R.N. mother wants son to lie about vaccination for school
- Read attorney fee contracts carefully
- Readers’ comments on attorney fee rip-offs
- Real estate agents save the day when tenant rights violated
- Real savings to be found with remote thermostats
- Recent law grads a challenge for clients
- Recipe for a good attorney-client relationship
- Recipe for failure: Love money, refuse to follow sound advice
- Recognizing the signs of financial elder abuse
- Red flags in hiring or dating the wrong people
- Refuse to fire and you’ll get sued
- Remember the kids in a divorce
- Remember the kids in divorces
- Rental car insurance contract blues
- Renting theme park as company perk can come at high cost
- Renting to daughter a huge mistake for retired couple
- Restaurant service fee raises objections
- Restaurants — where the customer isn’t always right
- Resume fraud poses major risk to employers (and employment agencies are part of the problem)
- Rights vs. wearing motorcycle helmets
- Risks in renting a vacation cabin
- “Sonny, You’d Make a Great Vacuum Cleaner Salesman!”
- Safe deposit box nightmare
- Saving huge attorney fees on personal injury claims
- Saying this to collect a debt could land you in jail
- School-year resolutions to keep our kids on the right track
- Sell the business, remain in California or move out of state?
- Sense of humor needed when reading lawyer’s bill
- Serious patient mistakes that occur after a car crash
- Seven Ways to Be an Absolute Jerk as a Lawyer
- Seven website issues that can get you in hot water
- Shame on auto maker who won’t address design flaw
- Shame on California’s unemployment insurance department
- Shame on Volvo! When the Dealership Shuts Down
- She donated a piano to her church and now wants it back
- Shopping for a new car?
- Should Dad get involved?
- Should I buy a radar detector?
- Should I change lawyers?
- Should I go back to school and become a lawyer?
- Should I hire a lawyer to fight my traffic ticket?
- Should I report my wife’s thefts?
- Should this guy be in law practice?
- Should you buy Feit LED lighting?
- Should you trust your stockbroker?
- Sign this petition or risk losing your job
- Signs that you’ve got trouble brewing – Part 3
- Silence your neighbor’s barking dogs
- Six Things Not to Do if You Want to Resolve a Conflict
- Small businesses and auto insurance
- Small claims court judge got it so wrong
- Smoke alarms – What you might not know
- So, You Want to Start a Foundation – Great!
- Soaked by an umbrella; can you get your money back?
- Some ‘spam likely’ calls are legit – know how to handle them
- Some of the worst things you can do to your career
- Some Section 8 tenants looking gift horse in the mouth
- Sometimes, trouble just finds you
- Son-in-law destroying business
- Sound advice to enhance employee health and office productivity.
- Spotting an embezzler
- Spying landlord? What not to say when trying to get out of a lease
- Starting a charity is no simple task
- Starting or changing the mission statement of a charity?
- Starting your own business answer this question
- Staying away from time share presentations
- Staying married to a police officer
- Story awakes non-communicative lawyers
- Structured Settlement Annuity vs Lump-Sum Payout: Which Is Better?
- Structured Settlement Are Still Valid for Personal Injury Settlements
- Structured settlements remain excellent for accident victims
- Study your lawyer’s office
- Stung by his lawyer’s bill
- Success requires a four-letter word ending in “T”
- Succession issues, religion, face family business
- Summer law clerk discovers improper billing
- Summer law clerk makes chilling discovery
- Take the wrong case and run up a huge bill
- Taking it out in trade
- Target’s problem with returns could end up targeting you
- Teacher who cried wolf may get school sued
- Ted rented a car and got a lot more than a good rate
- Telling the stinky truth slowly
- Test your smoke alarm knowledge
- Thank you. You’re welcome!
- The affair that never happened
- The attorney fees I charge you are non-refundable (The Tooth Fairy told me it’s legal)
- The bank removed money without notifying me
- The bar exam is still relevant and important
- The best college class
- The best way to exit your timeshare – never buy one
- The bill collector might be your best friend
- The business of getting you into law school
- The case of the accidental landlord
- The case of the blinds seller blind to laws that apply to her business
- The case of the contractor who made a big mistake
- The case of the distracted barber
- The case of the dripping bathtub faucet
- The case of the free computer
- The case of the leaking hot water heater that wasn’t
- The case of the miserly husband
- The case of the missing safe deposit box
- The case of the nasty carpet cleaner
- The case of the nosy grandparents
- The Case of the Petite Woman with a Bad Temper and her Understanding Employer
- The case of the revoked summer internship offer
- The case of the rotten landlord
- The case of the unrepairable KitchenAid fridge
- The case of the washed-up washing machine manufacturer
- The consequences of failing to say no to your kids
- The Coronavirus at Work – What Lawyers are Saying
- The cost of divorce
- The dangers of representing friends, family
- The do’s and don’ts of visiting an inmate
- The doctor took away my husband’s hope and I want to sue
- The employee who was overly gung-ho!
- The enemy within – When the dentist’s collection person was a Wimp
- The folly of ‘Buy a Business’ coaching scams
- The glut of lawyers is making victims of their clients
- The hidden dangers of a ‘free’ vacation: Part II
- The high cost of not changing your furnace and A/C filters
- The importance of a backup battery
- The IRS and coronavirus — what you need to know
- The law requires proof
- The Mexican Timeshare Resale Scam
- The Mexican Timeshare Scam Part 2
- The monsters next door
- The need for a care advocate
- The neighbor’s dead tree is going to fall — on our house!
- The problem with insurance annuities
- The problem with personal alcohol breathalyzers
- The psychology of being scammed
- The quest to build a marijuana breathalyzer
- The real skinny on obesity in the workplace
- The right way to find an attorney
- The rules of being a good Samaritan in America
- The secret of successful restaurants? Servers who make it fun for the customer
- The secrets of better grilling revealed
- The story of a boy — a big boy — and his treadmill
- The total transformation needs one itself
- The used car dealer who did the right thing
- The value of a relationship with an insurance agent
- The wrong way to achieve wealth
- The wrong way to encourage employee generosity
- The wrong way to respond to angry clients or customers
- These law enforcement tactics can save your marriage
- These Texas lawyers have a sense of humor, but no one is laughing
- They ran his credit without approval
- They rented a sailboat and got that sinking feeling
- Things to know before you buy a new laptop
- Things to look for with assisted living places
- Things you don’t know about attorneys, clients
- Think twice before claiming injuries in minor crashes
- Thinking of buying a used car? What you need to know
- Thinking of buying an RV or motor home for your business?
- Thinking of donating to your alma mater? Be careful
- Thinking of Relocating your Business to California? Think Again!
- Thinking that you are a mind reader can be costly
- This contractual mistake had eerie consequences
- This Hotel Wasn’t Quite Ready to Accept Guests during its Renovation
- This is not the way to solicit money from investors
- This is NOT the way to start your law practice
- This is the Wrong Way to Compete
- This landscaper’s reasoning ‘leafs’ a great deal to be desired
- This might be better than going to jail
- This school year, resolve to be a parent, not a friend
- This university student saved countless numbers of lives
- This Won’t Help Get You Into Law School, Instead, It Might Keep You Out!
- Three DUIs in 20 years
- Tips for collecting bills
- Tips for not failing as a leader
- Tips on handling an auto crash case yourself
- Tips on raising your chances of success in court
- Tips on using a cell phone while overseas
- To meet or not to meet with law enforcement
- To talk (or not to talk) to law enforcement
- Today’s real estate market requires extra vigilance
- Too late to start being a parent
- Toshiba Direct had a nasty bug – Part 2
- Toshiba? No thanks! – Part 1
- Tough times for some lawyers – Cheating clients Part 1
- Toward a better relationship with your lawyer – Part 3
- Trouble in partnership land
- Trust difficult with collection agencies
- Turning our regrets into life’s best positives
- Twenty One and in jail. Momma, don’t bail him out!
- Twenty Three years as a waitress, and she loves her job
- Ukraine is a powerful message for business owners
- Understanding and dealing with misers
- Understanding earthquake insurance
- Understanding how lawyers charge
- Understanding insurance for rental cars
- Understanding laws that apply to your business
- Understanding permissive user law
- Ups and downs of garage door openers
- Use a hair blower, go deaf
- Use caution before bailing grandson out of trouble
- Use caution before selling structured settlement
- Use the wrong breathalyzer and go to jail
- Use this fabric softener and get driven out of your house
- Using a car broker? Use caution!
- Using sound to prevent aggressive dog attacks
- Using video to prepare for a possible insurance claim
- Valuing assets in divorce
- Verbal agreements to sell a house usually unenforceable
- Veterinarians have no obligation of providing free care
- ‘Water everywhere — and then two angels showed up’
- Walkie talkies with a 35-mile range?
- Want a bank loan? How much info are you prepared to reveal
- Want to hire a disaster restoration company? Read this first!
- Want to produce a podcast? Tips to get it done right
- Want to quit drinking? Dump your friends
- Want to write a book? Here’s what you need to consider
- Warning for dog and cat owners about so-called hygienists
- Warning signs of a dishonest lawyer
- Warning signs that your contractor is a crook
- Warning: Friends can open your eyes to reality
- Was this fee unconscionable?
- Watch out for improper/illegal attorney billing practices
- Ways to be a better client
- We all hear voices and talk to ourselves – but what does it mean?
- We are afraid of our neighbor’s dog
- We’re splitting up — who keeps Kitty?
- Weaponized divorce
- Wedding venue blues
- What auto and radar detector manufacturers don’t want you to know
- What can you say to get a thief to pay you back?
- What claims adjusters want you to know
- What Cops Want Us to Know About Traffic Tickets
- What did my boss do with our profit-sharing money?
- What do I think of legal insurance?
- What do lawyers need from their clients?
- What does a home inspector inspect?
- What every dog owner needs to know
- What every landlord and tenant needs to know about constructive eviction
- What every tenant with children should know
- What first-time buyers need to know about homeowners insurance
- What I do not like about the legal profession
- What is a cat worth?
- What is a victim impact statement – Part 1
- What is Allstate’s stand on pets?
- What is an insurance Reservation of Rights?
- What is cyber insurance and why might you need it?
- What landlords, tenants should know
- What lawyers often fail to tell clients about litigation
- What makes the right billing/collections person?
- What not to do if a divorce is in your future
- What not to do when discovering employee theft
- What pet owners need to know when they visit the vet
- What should I do about my lemon?
- What should the claims adjuster do if you crash a financed car?
- What Small Business Owners–And Employees–Need To Know About Auto Insurance
- What the pension crisis could mean for you
- What to do after discovering embezzlement
- What to do if you’ve suffered a personal injury
- What to Do if You’re Concerned About Your Lawyer
- What to do if you’re facing foreclosure
- What to do when a bad review is posted about your business
- What to do when the boss’ cologne makes you sick
- What to know about credit reports, repairs
- What to know before loaning your car to a friend
- What visitation rights do grandparents have?
- What you don’t know about the ADA can be costly
- What you lose when using social networks
- What you might not know about hotels and debit cards
- What you need to know about assisted living
- What you need to know about contingent fees
- What you need to know about mediation
- What you need to know about noise-canceling headphones
- What you need to know about personal breathalyzers – Part 1
- What you need to know about prenups
- What you need to know about run flat tires
- What you need to know about submitting a false insurance claim
- What you need to know about the ADA
- What you need to know about timeshares: Part I
- What you need to know before blaming the home inspector
- What you need to know before buying a personal breathalyzer
- What you need to learn about the Lemon Law
- What your stockbroker won’t tell you
- What your veterinarian wants you to know
- What’s the best and worst time to buy a new car?
- When ‘as is’ means you’ve got a warranty
- When a broken promise can get you sued
- When a customer has a gun to your head
- When a family member is headed to prison
- When a lawyer’s duty to a client overrules a spouse’s ‘no’
- When an employee dies who gets the final paycheck?
- When banks say no, there’s a reason
- When becoming your brother’s keeper can become an invitation to homicide
- When being lonely can make you a sucker
- When bill collectors call, be nice
- When buying an LED flashlight, don’t be fooled by lumens
- When chiropractors and lawyers must say ‘no’
- When daddy won’t let his son grow up
- When greed overcomes common sense
- When in Costco, don’t forget your manners
- When incompetent people become business leaders
- When it comes to divorce settlements, verify, don’t trust
- When jealousy simmers over 15 years
- When lawyers don’t pay their bills
- When lawyers refuse to pay doctor’s bill
- When leaving a job – what you say has consequences
- When may a veterinarian refuse to treat your pet?
- When may a veterinarian refuse to treat your pet? – Part 2
- When may the landlord enter a rental?
- When not to be your brother’s keeper
- When not to file a lawsuit to collect money owed to you
- When parents steal their children’s identity
- When Passing the Reigns of Your Business on – What not to do!
- When schools fail to teach students
- When shopping for insurance don’t make these mistakes
- When starting or buying a business, questions you need to answer
- When the boss makes illegal deductions from your paycheck
- When the bully is a lawyer
- When the doctor tells you to get your affairs in order
- When the know-it-all landlord shot himself in the foot
- When the landlord doesn’t fix the A/C
- When the landlord stops paying the mortgage, but still wants your rent
- When the pest control company damages your property
- When the Power Company’s Power Surge Nukes Your Appliances
- When the property owner causes your injury
- When the wrong person buys the business
- When they want to ask you ‘just a few questions’
- When to get a second legal opinion – Part 1
- When to get a second legal opinion – Part 2
- When to run out of the plastic surgeon’s office
- When who you are dating is a risk to you, your employer
- When you are at fault
- When you are on the witness stand – Part 3
- When You are the Victim of a Burglary Or Vandalism
- When you don’t pay the disaster recovery company
- When you must change lawyers
- When your emotional support pit bull bites
- When your lawyer says ‘I’m too busy to take your case’
- When your son becomes the enemy
- When your tenant is a hoarder
- When Zombie debt collectors chase written-off debts
- Where there is steam, there is an abandoned radiator cap
- Who decides when an ambulance ride is necessary?
- Who is better? Public defender or private counsel
- Who is really handling your injury case?
- Who is responsible?
- Who keeps Fido?
- Who pays to fix or replace a rental car flat tire?
- Who should not go into business on their own?
- Why Africa matters to the United States, and the world
- Why are judges not more like Judge Judy?
- Why are so many employees unhappy at work?
- Why can’t you ever use your timeshare?
- Why do lawyers enter a not-guilty plea when the client is guilty?
- Why have a conservatorship
- Why he stopped representing drunk drivers
- Why is my lawyer charging for legal research?
- Why is my lawyer so sad and angry all the time?
- Why isn’t small claims court like ‘Judge Judy?’
- Why it is so hard to find a lawyer to take a case?
- Why it’s best to have a local lawyer – Part 2
- Why knowing this one language is key
- Why lasers and police helicopters don’t mix well
- Why you may need a personal breathalyzer
- Will your insurance cover El Niño damage?
- With employees like this, you’re in trouble
- With family farms, equal does not mean equal
- Wood cleaning company damaged room in her house
- Work related hearing loss can be compensated
- Worker protections could undergo a change in 2024
- Would a court enforce this agreement?
- Would you pay this ambulance bill?
- Would you pay this claim?
- Would-be authors: Don’t get scammed!
- Write a book in one day, become a best selling author (Not)
- Yes, I killed the steak, but it wasn’t my fault!
- Yes, it is Possible to File Bankruptcy on Student Loans
- You and the Law: Auto insurance company trying to avoid its responsibility
- You and the law: Renting? Then you need renters insurance
- You are being blackmailed! Don’t pay her!
- You built the better mousetrap — what’s next?
- You can hire a local lawyer – Part 1
- You can now discuss salary with your co-workers
- You have rights when selling a structured settlement
- You sound white – I can’t hire you
- Your contractor’s bond is probably worthless
- Your Loved One Fell for a Romance Scam: What Not to Do
- Your teenage children’s privacy – safety first!