by Dennis Beaver | air conditioning
November 22, 2016 • By Dennis Beaver One of the great things about air-conditioning is an increase in comfort due to reduced temperature and humidity as refrigeration extracts moisture from the air through condensation. That water must go somewhere, as the Jennings... by Dennis Beaver | contracts
December 7, 2013 • By Dennis Beaver Over the years, this column has helped our readers save great deal of money, especially when we are contacted before they get into trouble. At times, our advice isn’t followed, and the results are as we warned, but we take no... by Dennis Beaver | contracts
November 30, 2013 • By Dennis Beaver Last week, we told you about a Selma reader, Helen, and her husband’s idea of hiring a contractor in their church congregation for a kitchen remodel, aware of the fact that he is in serious financial trouble. “His bid was... by Dennis Beaver | contracts
February 11, 2006 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Dietz-Crane builds homes all across America. They are part of the D.R. Horton family of construction firms, and describe themselves with these words: Pride, Care and Craftsmanship go into every home we... by Dennis Beaver | contracts
April 12, 2010 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Today we’re wrapping up our look at the world of contractors. We’ve examined “surety bonds,” which assure little beyond disappointment and headaches, as well as shown how to check out a...