by Dennis Beaver | attorney, divorce, family law, judges, marriage
November 12, 2024 • By Dennis Beaver How deeply into the daily lives of couples should family law judges venture? That was the ultimate question from a reader in a situation that, despite “living” in divorce court for many years, I had never been asked. For anyone... by Dennis Beaver | court, education, judges
August 25, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver If you are headed to court as a witness or a party in a lawsuit, there are a lot of ways you can do real damage to your chances of success, several of which are common sense, but others you don’t want to learn the hard way. Who... by Dennis Beaver | court, judges, lawyers
January 27, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver We often hear, “Justice is Blind.” The saying refers to the way judges and juries are required to make decisions based only on the information presented to them, rather than on personal experiences, or who they like most. This... by Dennis Beaver | judges, landlord/tenant
April 29, 2022 • By Dennis Beaver “I run a property management company in a state that did away with its moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent. But while it was in effect, the ability to pay our own people was severely limited and I had to let almost... by Dennis Beaver | judges
February 28, 2020 • By Dennis Beaver The closest thing that most of us will ever come to meeting a Judge Judy is by suing or being sued in Small Claims Court. Having served as a pro tem judge in Small Claims Court, I learned that, next to being stopped by a traffic... by Dennis Beaver | judges, law school, lawyers
October 12, 2018 • By Dennis Beaver “Is it possible to prevent a certain judge from hearing my case, or, am I stuck with whatever courtroom I’m assigned to? Is there a way to reduce the chances of having a judge who has a reputation for being a ‘loose...