by Dennis Beaver | Article, complaint, education, employment
January 3, 2015 • By Dennis Beaver “Dennis, spend a day in the shoes of a high school human relations manager and you’ll be amazed at the immaturity and outright deception shown, not by students, but the teachers. Given the bickering, pettiness, unbelievable lack of... by Dennis Beaver | Article, consumer, false advertising, technology
January 18, 2014 • By Dennis Beaver Have you been thinking about buying a pair of walkie talkies, perhaps for use while camping, car-to-car communications or keeping in touch with your kids while they’re out bicycling in the neighborhood? Consumer two-way radios are... by Dennis Beaver | Article
November 23, 2013 • By Dennis Beaver If you are about to hire a contractor, then today’s story should be of special interest, and we are confident it will minimize the chances of banging your head against a wall while screaming, “Why did we hire this guy?” Helen, who... by Dennis Beaver | Article
September 21, 2013 • By Dennis Beaver “I have never met a parent who planned on raising a child who would be a behavioral nightmare at school, and then go on to become an irresponsible adult, unable to hold a job, and often getting in trouble with the law. “But every... by Dennis Beaver | Article, consumer
September 15, 2012 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Unless we are familiar with parking rates at major airports, airport parking is often one of the last things most of us think of when planning a vacation. Then, our anticipation of a nice trip takes a dive... by Dennis Beaver | Article, auto insurance
October 28, 2006 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Hanford reader Garry Pierce is a very good customer of National Car Rental, with close to 100 rental days yearly. He has earned the highest tier in their Elite Isle Emerald Club, and his customer profile...