by Dennis Beaver | book, education, free speech, politics
June 4, 2021 • By Dennis Beaver “I am a tenured high school social studies teacher and also a reserve deputy sheriff. For years I’ve shown students YouTube and training videos of law enforcement encounters that led to violence and shootings. We analyze how they could... by Dennis Beaver | employment, free speech, technology, workplace
February 1, 2019 • By Dennis Beaver Who hasn’t wanted to tell a scheming, incompetent manager or boss just what we think of them while clearing our desk and walking out of an office that had become toxic, emotional poison – a menacing Skull and Crossbones. If... by Dennis Beaver | Article, free speech, government, leadership, politics
March 30, 2018 • By Dennis Beaver
We can all feel it. Something’s not right with our country. But when did things start going wrong, and more importantly, where are we headed? Spend some time with “The Decline of America” by Dr. David Schein, and like me, you’ll... by Dennis Beaver | education, free speech
February 23, 2018 • By Dennis Beaver
What do you think is the most important right guaranteed by U.S. Constitution, a right so important that without it, life in our country would be far different from what we know? “Freedom of Speech, of course!” you’re... by Dennis Beaver | education, free speech
September 12, 2015 • By Dennis Beaver You might not have seen the movie, “Network,” but it is almost certain that you’ve heard one of its powerful and enduring lines spoken by Howard Beale, a longtime news anchor suffering a meltdown on the air. “I’m mad...