by Dennis Beaver | business, employees, human resources, leadership, safety, workplace
January 27, 2025 • By Dennis Beaver Recently, I received an email from “Ivan,” a young university graduate with a business degree and IT specialization. He and several friends from college established an IT service company in the Midwest, with an eye toward emulating... by Dennis Beaver | business, career, employment, workplace
December 31, 2024 • By Dennis Beaver We’ve all heard of job offers being withdrawn or people being fired after employers discover an applicant or employee has lied or exaggerated their qualifications, education, work history, required skills or references. But what... by Dennis Beaver | church, communication, discrimination, politics, psychology, workplace
December 24, 2024 • By Dennis Beaver Do you know someone who has forgotten that advice about “burying the hatchet and letting bygones be bygones”? Or who acts as if it’s much more enjoyable to remain angry at the people who didn’t vote the way they did or don’t agree... by Dennis Beaver | employment, leadership, workplace
March 15, 2024 • By Dennis Beaver “One of the things that can lead to an employment lawsuit,” observes Southern California-based labor law attorney Jay Rosenlieb, “is a failed interview that resulted in a job offer. “Often the ‘hiring manager’ is a long-term employee... by Dennis Beaver | business, employment, workplace
December 29, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver Have you ever thought that it would be nice to know what other employees who have the same job duties as yours are paid? Or, what a company pays its other employees, before you accept a position there? That’s what recently minted... by Dennis Beaver | communication, employment, tattoos, workplace
November 28, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver “Mr. Beaver, I do the hiring for a paint and coatings company based in the South and frankly wonder if I am going insane, or if today’s job applicants think that a job interview is the same thing as Saturday night with the gang —...