by Dennis Beaver | judges, small claims court
January 9, 2017 • By Dennis Beaver Today’s story will be of special interest to anyone headed to Small Claims Court, and we begin with this question: “When the judge’s decision is 100 percent wrong — totally and completely wrong on the law — so as to make you wonder... by Dennis Beaver | complaint, complaint letter, lawyers, small claims court
April 30, 2016 • By Dennis Beaver “As a Small Claims Court judge in California’s Central Valley I am amazed at the number of disputes which might have been resolved out of court, if a clearly written complaint letter addressing the problem were sent. “Before filing a... by Dennis Beaver | small claims court
July 19, 2010 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver If you’ve seen even one episode of the “Judge Judy” show on CBS and are waiting for your own day in small claims court, chances are good you’ve wondered, “is small claims court... by Dennis Beaver | animal control, pets, small claims court
July 12, 2010 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver In a recent article, we told you about Carol, her cat, Molly, and irresponsible neighbors who allowed their pit bulls to get out of a backyard enclosure. With the doors open to let the morning breeze sweep... by Dennis Beaver | contracts, small claims court
August 15, 2009 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver If you’ve ever hired a contractor for a kitchen remodel, room addition, or to build a custom home, then you know there will always be unexpected surprises. Readers George Sheram and his wife, Van,... by Dennis Beaver | small claims court
April 22, 2006 (Original publish date) • By Dennis Beaver Q: I was recently in Small Claims Court and have got to tell you that the judge really disappointed me. Even though I won the case against my former tenant, first of all the decision was mailed to me which took...