by Dennis Beaver | career, doctor
November 14, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver Serendipity played a role, too, in Albert ‘Bert’ McBride’s rise from poisonous-snake expert to urologist. At 85, he’s still in practice. There are many things we can be proud of as Americans. One is using our wealth to foster... by Dennis Beaver | business, career, employment, leadership
November 3, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver “Matt” emailed this question: “Do you know something I can read that would help me deal with an issue several of my employees have raised. They tell me that I am favoring the stars in our company – similar to teachers pets –instead... by Dennis Beaver | career, employment, vision
September 1, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver “I own a construction company that has 30 employees. We build houses, small commercial offices and I’ve got a humdinger of a story for you. “One of our people – 40 year-old Terry who is a highly skilled carpenter everyone likes –... by Dennis Beaver | attorney fees, career, education, law school, lawyers
December 16, 2022 • By Dennis Beaver The HBO comedy-drama Succession has been a powerful impetus for family-owned businesses across America to consider who will take over upon the death or retirement of the owner. That issue is the basis of today’s story, which began... by Dennis Beaver | advertising, career, consumer, discrimination, employment
September 16, 2022 • By Dennis Beaver “There is a huge market – millions of people – that could be a missed opportunity for American business,” says author Susan Golden, who teaches at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and is considered one of the... by Dennis Beaver | business, career, employment
March 11, 2022 • By Dennis Beaver
“The news is filled with stories of employees refusing to come back to work, jumping ship to another employer, or trying their luck at becoming entrepreneurs,” observes Gorick Ng, the Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of The...