by Dennis Beaver | background checks, dentist, embezzlement, employment
January 18, 2019 • By Dennis Beaver Today’s story will be of special interest to dentists, beginning with these two questions: –Why are dentists more likely than most other health care professionals to become victims of theft and embezzlement by a trusted... by Dennis Beaver | embezzlement, employment, theft, workplace
September 21, 2018 • By Dennis Beaver You’ve just discovered that an employee has been stealing cash and you want every cent back. To recover that money, several options are available, but one could get you in big trouble. We’ll tell you what it is in a moment, but... by Dennis Beaver | background checks, embezzlement, employment
October 20, 2017 • By Dennis Beaver Are there steps that employers can take which will help reduce the chances of becoming the victim of embezzlement by employees? The answer, which comes to us from the far off Canadian city of Halifax, is a qualified yes, and as... by Dennis Beaver | embezzlement, fraud, workplace
November 19, 2016 • By Dennis Beaver Recently we told you about a Central California dentist who discovered that his office manager had been embezzling money for years. That story examined some steps that can be taken to reduce the risk, but as we learned from... by Dennis Beaver | embezzlement, fraud, workplace
September 3, 2016 • By Dennis Beaver “I would never have believed it! She didn’t look like an embezzler!” With those few words — often heard by police officers, private investigators and insurance adjusters — a Central California dentist who we will call “Roger” began...