by Dennis Beaver | business, employment, ethics
May 23, 2024 • By Dennis Beaver Something close to an obituary for DEI — diversity, equity, inclusion — appeared on the cover of the Wall Street Journal’s April 21 business section titled, “Diversity Goals Are Disappearing – Dozens of firms [are] deleting the... by Dennis Beaver | ethics, lawyers, marriage
April 14, 2023 • By Dennis Beaver Lawyers have a duty to advise their clients of potholes they might not be aware of. As you will see, at times this becomes complicated, when “who is the client?” becomes a difficult question to answer. When the lawyer feels that a... by Dennis Beaver | business, dating, employment, ethics
August 5, 2022 • By Dennis Beaver “Mr. Beaver, I always thought that I was a good judge of character, and am very trusting, but must have the word sucker in bright, neon-green, tattooed on my forehead. Constantly, I hire the wrong people to work in my accounting firm... by Dennis Beaver | business, contracts, ethics
July 22, 2022 • By Dennis Beaver “My husband, ‘Dean,’ is looking into starting his own market research company structured very much like part-time jobs he had while in college: phoning people and asking questions about products or services. He would hire... by Dennis Beaver | ethics, lawyers
February 9, 2021 • By Dennis Beaver “Mr. Beaver, your articles influenced me to become a lawyer and I was just admitted to the Bar in my state. One day I hope to do something like you, writing a newspaper column that educates and helps so many people. “Due to COVID-19... by Dennis Beaver | attorney fees, ethics, lawyers
December 11, 2020 • By Dennis Beaver Today’s story looks at billing practices that may violate ethical rules that apply to lawyers across the country. Before reading further, if you have hired an attorney recently or in the past few years and still have the paperwork,...